Rye is located in Sussex, UK. It is a magnificent place to go if you are a person who loves taking photos cus everywhere you go it could be an amazing photo, literally. I do fall in love with Rye at a very first time. There are a lot of antique shops and candy shops that I really like. Besides, there are a bunch of galleries which exhibit art works from local artists of Rye. I particularly impress pictures of any door houses which were put in order as a table, that's so cool!! In town, most of buildings are very old, they might be older than 200-300 years, approximately. In addition, I could feel a scent of old town that has a long story from any place I went by. Rye makes me feel like I am home, and it is cuddling me. I can feel a warmth and friendship from people in there. I hopefully wish I could go there again for retaking photos of Rye in winter.